
Adventure to North East India - Part 2

That's true, I have lived in India for 3 years. During that time, I have done a lot of travelling to different parts of the country and one of the most memorable one was my adventure to the North East. If you want to know why, check out my previous post about how I got into this Adventure to North East India-Part 1.  Hopefully, that will give you an insight on how Indian Railway operates which actually added huge values to my adventure!

Alright, so let's continue !

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Welcome to the research world! - What I do as a PhD student

6 months into this PhD program and I am enjoying it more than ever!
Things have really transformed to go at a slower rate because of COVID, but my world still revolves fast. I like how my role now has the element of both studentship and employeeship, and that's the best part of being in a PhD program. 
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Adventure to North East India - Part 1

My Facebook just reminded me about a post that I made 8 years ago when I was travelling in Kolkata, India. It was not meant to be a funny post at that time, but when I read it again including the comments, I laughed hard 😆😆😆!!! Such a funny thing looking back to the older version of yourself and what you are capable of!

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Finally, I got engaged! - A story of Chinese Indonesian Engagement Ceremony

Hi guys!

It has been so long since I wrote last time. Yes, the whole 2017-2018 has been a busy year for me as I tried to get my life in Sydney settled. I can say that now I am based in Sydney. It is my life now, being together with Eugene (My fiance) who has lived here for almost all his life. And having myself work as a researcher which I found much easier in Sydney as there are more opportunities here to pursue this career.
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