
Vina's Buffer Library

Written by Vina Putra | Jul 17, 2020 1:20:24 PM

Check out my ever growing buffer library to help you prepare your own buffers!

General buffers
1 X PBS:
To make 1 L
8 g NaCl (mw: 58.4 g/mol)
200 mg KCl (mw: 74.551 g/mol)
1.44 g Na2HPO4 (mw: 141.96 g/mol)
245 mg KH2PO4 (mw: 136.086 g/mol)
Add distilled water to make volume 1 L
Adjust pH to 7.4
0.5 M EDTA, pH 8:
Add 400 mL distilled water
Add 93.05 g Na2•EDTA•2H2O (disodium dyhydrate)
9 g solid NaOH
Adjust the pH with with 10 N NaOH
Add distilled water to make volume 500 mL
10 M NaOH (= 10 N NaOH): 
To make 500 mL
200 g NaOH in a final volume of 500 mL distilled water
5 M NaCl:
 To make 1 L 
292.2 g NaCl in a final volume of 1 L distilled water
1 M HEPES stocks: 
To make 1 L
238.3 g HEPES (free acid) 
800 mL of ddH2O 
Adjust the pH to the desired value with 10 N NaOH

Add distilled water to make volume 1 L

10x Tris-glycine running buffer:
To make 4 L
121.1 g Tris base
576 g glycine
200 mL 20% SDS
Add distilled water to make volume 4 L
1 x Running buffer:
To make 1 L
100 mL 10x running buffer
900 ml distilled water
For making main separating gels:
1.5 M Tris, pH 8.8 : room temperature
To make 1 L
800 mL distilled water
181.65 g Tris base
Adjust the pH to 8.8 with concentrated HCl
Add distilled water to make volume 1 L
For making stacking gels:
1.5 M Tris, pH 6.8
181.65 g Tris base
Adjust the pH to 6.8 with concentrated HCl
Add distilled water to make volume 1 L



For western blot
10x Transfer buffer:
To make 4 L
121.1 g Tris base
576 g glycine
Bring up the volume to 4 L with ddH2O
1x Transfer buffer: 4 C temperature
To make 1 L
700 mL cold ddH2O
100 mL 10x Transfer buffer
200 mL methanol
Blocking buffer: 1-3% usually works
to make 100 ml
1-3 grams of skim milk powder
add 1X PBS to make volume 100 ml
20x TBS:
To make 4 L
193.6 g Tris base
640 g NaCl
Add distilled water to make volume 3.2 L
Adjust pH to 7.6 by adding HCl
Add distilled water to make volume 4 L
To make 100 mL
2 mL Tween-20
100 mL of 20x TBS
1X TBST: also works using 1X PBS
To make 1 L
Add 500 ul Tween-20
Add 1X PBS to make volume to 1 L


RIPA buffer:
To make 10 ml
NaCl (1 M) 1.5 ml to make cocentration 150 mM
Nonidet P-40 (1%) 0.1 ml in 10 ml
Sodium deoxycholate  (DOC) (0.5%) 0.05 ml
SDS (0.1%) 0.01 mL
Tris (50 mM, pH 7.4) 5 ml to make concentration 25 mM
Add distilled water to make total volume 10ml
6X Loading buffer
0.3 M Tris-HCl
0.6 M DTT
10% SDS
0.06% Bromophenol blue
30% Glycerol